Sunday, November 04, 2007


We hope everyone had a great Halloween. We had a fun one with our little Pink Leopard. Maddie had a blast being outside with all the kids. Our neighbor organized a parade again this year and it was a huge success. We all gathered in the court, had snacks, took pictures, then paraded around the end of the street. Paul, Michelle, and Livia joined us this year. Livi is the little pig. Adorable! After the parade, Maddie stayed in the house and loved handing out candy to everyone who came trick-or-treating.

"Elmo, is that you?"

The neighborhood crew, with the ring leader Amy and her 1 month old Tigger!

Pulling up the rear in the parade!
Here is a video of Maddie in her costume. We wanted to get her on video giving a big "roar!" It's hard to follow her around with the camera now. I'm going to have to start taking video in the high chair where she can't run around!

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Mia said...

Oh My Gosh!! That is the cutest halloween costume!! How adorable is she!?!? I love the "Rar" and how she wiggled her tummy back and forth when you asked her to say 'trick or treat!'

Too freaking cute. I can't believe how grown up she's looking. She walks like a pro now.

Have you noticed how most of our videos are from Nora's high chair? ;)

Mia said...

I just watched the video again and realized something. Remember that pooh bear she has? Doesn't she look like she's imitating him when she lays down and smothers that stuffed animal, then rolls over and wiggles her belly?? ;)

The Bowen Family said...

What a fierce little tiger! :) SOOO cute! Looked like a lot of fun with the whole neighborhood gang. Wow!