Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A New Year, A New Do

So they say in marriage you should pick your battles, right? Well I got a good lesson in this recently. We were noticing that Maddie's hair was getting a little out of control and uneven and I mentioned that maybe we should take her for her first haircut. Chris INSISTED that this was a crazy idea and that WE should be the ones to give her her first haircut. I was sure that we would butcher it, but he finally convinced me. And quite frankly I was touched that he cared so much and that he really wanted to do it. So I let him do the honors and with a little touching up by me, we didn't do such a bad job. To fully appreciate it, here are the before and after shots. He may have won the battle, but I will win the war and take her to a professional for her next haircut! Maybe :)



The funky, flipped out look! It got a little wild while she was dancing!


Aunt Patti said...

I totally agree w/Chris. Hair looks great. He's a keeper....
She now has an idea of what it will be like when she goes to a professional. Looks like she was pretty good.
Love to all,
Aunt Patti
(Pa-y, as Madeline says it)

Mother Suburbia said...

I love the "funky" look picture, very cute! She could become the "Hannah Montana"-of- her-generation!

Mia said...

Wow, kudos to Chris (and you too Kelly!), I don't think I could have done as good of a job! Looks awesome!!! Her new hairdo is soooooo cute!! I can't believe how big she looks. I LOVE the picture of her striking a pose! So cute!!!

The Crabtrees said...

Love the cut... it is super cute!!! I cannot believe how big she is getting!