Sunday, September 21, 2008

Goodbye Yankee Stadium

As a tribute to our beloved Yankees and the historic last game at Yankee stadium, I had to post a couple of pictures. I was born in NY and lived there until I was twelve and was lucky enough to go to Yankee Stadium. The highlight of one game was when I was given a signed ball by a player on the opposing team. Geordie could not believe that I got the ball and is still bitter to this day I think. Geordie is a die hard fan and went to the games on Friday and Saturday this weekend. On our recent trip to NYC, we got Maddie a Yankee hat. Chris even lets her wear it, but I know she'll have a Cubs hat soon too!
Here I am at Yankee Stadium

And here's Maddie!


Mother Suburbia said...

That's a great post! It's clear to see that beauty has followed through the generations of your family. I love the new family picture...stunning.

Lisa said...

Wow! First, I hear from Jess and now from you-- What a welcome blast from the past! Your little girl is darling and I'm vaguely remembering that Chris was your boyfriend in High School--is that right? Wow. Thank you so much for stopping in. Now we can keep tabs on the goings on with each other. BTW--I'm glad our humble blog could inspire you :) Take care!