Monday, July 27, 2009

Madeline is 3!

I'm sitting here writing this, the morning of July 27th, 2009. Maddie is 3 today. 3 years ago today, at this time of morning, Chris was racing home from work because my water broke. We thought we'd be in for a long day of labor, but within 3 hours of being at the hospital, Madeline was born. She was ready to be out. She was early, she came fast. Ever since that morning, beginning with her fast delivery, time has seemed to move at a much faster pace.
I remember in college, a good friend and I reflected on the advice to "enjoy college....they're the best years of your life." We thought that was kind of depressing because that meant it was all downhill from there. We both agreed that we hoped college was not the best time in our lives, because then we'd have nothing to look forward to!
Well I've decided that since college, and especially since Maddie was born, it has been downhill....on the fastest, most fun roller coaster I've ever been on. "It's all downhill" has taken on a new meaning for me and it means the following:
1. It goes by faster (life didn't move this fast in college, maybe because I was always waiting for the next time I could see Chris!)
2. At times it can be scary (am I doing the right thing as a parent?)
3. It is more fun than ever (everyone knows the downhill part of a roller coaster is the best part)!
It sounds so cliche to say that the last year has flown by, but it really has. I now understand why the 0-3 years for a child are so critical. They change so much in the first 3 years, it's amazing. It's hard for us to believe that those first 3 years are over, but we are so proud, in love and in awe of the little person who is sleeping down the hall right now. I know that on this roller coaster of life, love, and parenting there are ups and downs, but we are enjoying the ride. Did I mention she rode Thunder mountain at Disney World? (and loved it!)


Flannery @ Three Sisterz said...

I completely understand! I always say I wish I could put the brakes on my life. You look forward to the future but you also wish you could relive so many moments of your life!

Love reading your blog, Kelly.

Mia said...

That is really beautiful, Kelly. Happy Birthday, Maddie!

Jennie and Kevin said...

Love this post:)