Tuesday, December 05, 2006

November 2006

As you all know, I am a pediatric physical therapist. And I spent countless hours at my job (before I had Maddie) explaining to parents the importance of tummy time. And I used to wonder why it is so hard for parents to do this! Now I know. You never want to take a happy baby and ruin a good mood by putting her on her tummy. But I needed to practice what I preach so we've done it. Here is the progression from hating her tummy to "hey this isn't so bad."

"Oh Mom, this is such hard work!"

"Well maybe I'll just relax here a little bit."

Almost there....

"Hi Elmo!"

"If you take my diaper off, I'm happy in any position!"

1 comment:

Mia said...

Great Job Kelly! I think Suzan should blow up the tummy time progression pics to poster size and put them up in the waiting rooms!! I love seeing the pictures of her and watching her change.