Tuesday, February 19, 2008


We've been trying to teach Maddie colors recently and everything is RED!!! It's the first color I taught her and so every time you ask her, "what color is this?" she answers....RED!!! One day she learned green and blue but not with any association to things that are actually green and blue. So in this video, you see her go through the colors in order every time until she gets it right. She was also looking at my lips for a clue since I would start to say the color for her. I know she'll eventually get it, so for right now I'm enjoying how much fun it is for her to say RED!

Photo Sharing - Video Sharing - Photo Printing - Photo Books

18 Months!

I have no real theme to this post other than to say that I can't believe our baby is a year and a half! Maddie turned 18 months the end of January and is becoming quite a big girl. We've been busy having lots of fun doing toddler stuff. She goes to gymnastics class (see first picture); she is talking more every day; she loves to put on our shoes and carry one of my purses; she climbs up onto the chair and her booster by herself and generally just loves life. My dad calls her "Happy Girl." And that she is....and we couldn't be happier that she's our happy girl. Here are just a few recent pictures.