Sunday, January 14, 2007


We hope everyone is having a great 2007 so far. The new year has brought some changes for us as I am now back to work! It was fun while it lasted...but my maternity leave is over. I feel so lucky that I was able to stay home full time with Maddie for 5 whole months. I joke that it would have been nice if I could have scattered my leave; you know, worked during say month 2-3 when Maddie was fussy! Now she is sooooo much fun, so it kind of stinks to go back now. But that means she's a lot more fun for Nana Flo and Grandpa George. We are so fortunate that they are watching Maddie. The transition has been very smooth; just a few tears shed the first morning (by me, not Madeline)! Here are some pictures from Nana Day Care that my mom has taken. They have a goal of taking at least one picture from each day and my mom is keeping a journal of Maddie's days for me to read.

Maddie napping in her pack-n-play

Grandpa George giving her a bottle

Playing on her tummy...she's rolling all the time now!

My mom had to take a picture of Maddie's beautiful hair (ha!) My aunt Patti said at Christmas that I had the same hairstyle when I was a baby. Hairstyle?!? As if this look is intentional! She's got a little male pattern baldness, with a little mullet action at her neck and even a comb-over/mohawk going on up top. The bald spot in the back is a result of her turning her head back and forth constantly when she's going to sleep. Let's hope she gets some new hair soon!

Maddie got lots of great Christmas presents from everyone. My favorites are the jog stroller and video monitor and Maddie's favorite is her excersaucer. Chris's favorite is the Nike hat from Andy and Laura. It matches her Nike sweatsuit that they gave her. Here are some pictures.

Notice the bib? High maintenance! But worth it :)

The rest of the pictures are just some fun pictures that we've taken recently.

Maddie may look big in some of the pictures..but as you can see here, not everything fits her yet! Of course this is a hand-me-down and it's size 6-12 months. She looked so funny!

She loves this monkey that Shelley gave her!

Watching the playoffs with Daddy

First nap on her tummy...the timing was funny since she has a monkey on her pants! This was a fluke. Ever since then, when she rolls onto her tummy in her crib she gets really mad. So for now, we just roll her back over until she can do it herself. Sometimes, it takes 2 or 3 times before she gives up and falls asleep!

"My grandpa....what big eyes you have!"

Mommy's sweetpea!

1 comment:

Mia said...

Kelly, I love the pictures. She is so beautiful! I'm starting to see her personality!!!