Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday!

We had a wonderful birthday weekend with Madeline. She turned 1 on Friday and we spent the day playing, getting her picture taken and then after dinner we took her to the playground. Here are some pictures we took at the playground. She loves the slide and swing and says "Weee!"

Funny story: I was out last night and Chris took Maddie on the swing under our deck before he put her to bed. He put her in the crib and closed the door and she started crying hard. So he went back in and picked her up and she kept pointing to the window and saying, "Wee, wee!" He finally figured out that she was talking about the swing! Anyway....I digress. Here are some of the portraits. The bear in the first picture was made by Great Grandma Cronin (Chris's Grandma).

Her actual birthday was very nice and low key; it was a great day. Then on Saturday was her birthday party. Maddie had lots of fun playing with everyone and eating her cake. HER cake was a homemade carrot cake that I made from scratch with all "good for you" ingredients. It was my gift to her since it seemed silly to buy her toys or clothes. Oh, we did buy her an inner tube since she loved Lourdes's in Orlando! She enjoyed the cake, but sorry to disappoint everyone.....she was very neat. The cake, being very dense, stayed together so well that she barely had any on her face. So no messy cake-face pictures!

Showing off her walking to Grandma

Playing with Kristen

Peek-a-boo, I see you Aunt Kim!

The inner tube!

Marissa showing Maddie how it's done
Sitting in her new chair from Nana and Grandpa
Lion push toy from Aunt Kim
Beautiful new table and chairs from Grandma and Grandpa


Mia said...

Those are GREAT pictures! Did you get them done the same place you've gotten them before? I can't believe how much she's grown into a little girl. It's crazy, once they start walking it's like the baby-phase is all over! (sorry...)

Miss you guys!

Jeanine said...

Hi Kelly! I'm here in San Francisco for Krissy's bachelorette party. I'm with Krissy, Michelle, Sarah Tull, and Kat. We were reminiscing and took a look at your blog! Madeline is GORGEOUS! Happy 1st birthday! Our love to your family! Miss you!