Saturday, July 17, 2010

First Bottle and Visit with Great Nana

Emmie took her first bottle no problem and then Maddie enjoyed giving her a bottle too.  She did a great job. 

Here are just some pictures of Emersyn chillin' with Daddy outside on the porch.  She is getting so much more alert and focusing on things. 

We went up to Pennsylvania one Saturday to visit with Great Nana and swim in the pool at Great Aunt Lorraine's house.  I would have had some great pictures of her beautiful pool and Maddie swimming in it, but I managed to slip on the wet floor and fall (with Emersyn in my arms), catching myself with my elbow and ended up at urgent care to get 2 stitches.  I was on my way to get the camera, so obviously I didn't get the pictures!  Thanks be to God, Emersyn was fine!

Snuggling with Mommy


1 comment:

Mia said...

Wow, in that last picture she looks SO big in your arms. I'm glad you're both ok from that fall. Sounds like Maddie had a great birthday week!!