Monday, December 17, 2007

Our Kitchen Helper

I'm afraid we've created a monster in the kitchen. Whenever we are doing something in the kitchen like cooking, doing dishes, or emptying the dishwasher, Maddie is right there. She pushes us away from the counter by pushing on our thighs, then says "up, up". She loves to be held up to see what we're doing. Well this has become difficult since she's heavier now and plus ties up our hands. So one day, I pulled a chair over to let her stand on it and watch me. Sure, just watch....what was I thinking? She wanted in on the action so we gave her a spoon, bowl, etc. and now she LOVES to do this. Instead of asking for "up" now she pushes a chair over to the counter and says "chair." Here are some action shots of her whipping up a masterpiece and playing in the drawers. Maybe she'll be cooking for us someday!

1 comment:

Mia said...

How funny! What a smart little cookie you have there!