Friday, March 21, 2008

What a week!

Last week Maddie was sick. You would never know it though. She had a fever of 102 for 3 days but was the happiest little girl. I decided to be proactive and take her to the doctor to make sure she didn't have an ear infection or strep. While at the pediatrician's office, her heart rate was high. So the very nice (and very new/young) doctor sent us to a cardiologist that day. Maddie had an EKG, an echocardiogram, and was sent home with a Holter monitor for 24 hours. They put it in a cute little Disney princess backpack and she wore that thing the whole time and never once tried to take it off. It was the cutest thing! Not to make light of a serious thing like her heart, but she's fine and they're attributing the high rate to her fever. We'll take her back around her 2nd birthday to be sure everything is okay. We just cracked up at the backpack and she called it her princess the whole time. Here are some pictures and a video.

Despite the fever and the heart monitor, Maddie was dancing and playing! She loves to wear one of Chris's snowboarding hats and she's wearing it in the pictures above and this video.

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