Friday, January 02, 2009

A Wonderful Christmas

I had expected this Christmas to be a lot of fun given Maddie's age, and I was not disappointed. We had a very fun, very peaceful Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve with Chris's family and Christmas Day with mine, then made a quick trip up to PA to Great Nana's house on the 26th. Maddie was so into everything this year from the trees, lights, Santa, snowmen, decorations, and yes presents. What was so nice though is that she didn't have any expectations for presents or ask for anything. It was truly just a pure enjoyment of the spirit of Christmas, not the "stuff." But she did get lots of stuff from family and friends and for that we are grateful, because she has been playing like crazy with all her new things.

Christmas Eve at Grandma and Grandpa's (Santa even came!)

Christmas morning at home. Her Christmas present to us was sleeping until 8 a.m. That will probably never happen again on Christmas morning until she's a teenager!

This video demonstrates how much Maddie loved Christmas music this year. The look of awe on her face is not for the gift she is opening, but the sound of Little Drummer Boy playing in the background. We could have skipped presents and just played music and she'd have been happy. She was excited about her Bitty Baby too.

Christmas Day at Nana and Grandpa's House

Giving the "peace" sign. My dad says to Maddie, "Peace baby" and she says it back and does the fingers, so my parents made her this "Peace Baby" bag.

Day after Christmas at Great Nana Flo's
This is Heidi the Goat, the hit of all Christmas gifts this year. It is too funny. It is a goat that sings the puppet song from Sound of Music, Maddie's favorite movie. My Nana found it for her and she loves it. See the video below! Note: the video is very dark and it will make you dizzy (see warning on previous post below about Maddie's obsession with spinning).

Baby Aiden in his Santa suit, so cute!

Enjoying all her gifts.
The day after all the festivities, we spent the morning at home just playing. I looked over at one point and noticed Maddie had her Sleeping Beauty dress on, was playing with Heidi the goat, with her stoller and Snow White, on the trampoline. Now that's mulit-tasking.

And just in case you didn't get enough of the goat in the above video, here's an encore. This time she is also jumping, and spinning of course, on her new trampoline from Grandma and Grandpa. We will be loving this on cold winter days when we're stuck in the house. A great way to get her willies out!


Jenny and Kevin said...

Hey Kelly! Thanks for the comments on our blog =). I love all of the christmas pictures!! It looks like you all had a great time! Maddie is absolutely adorable...a classic girl!! The videos were so much fun to watch. I can't believe how long that girl can spin around and around!! Too funny!

The Crabtrees said...

It looks like we may have another TOC Alum in the making... Maddie is so cute!!! Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Mia said...

Oh, I love the pic of her you have in your header! Ok, you and my other blogger friends may have just driven me to do an update on my blog. I'm tired of checking everyone else's blog and not seeing an update!!! :)

Love ya!