Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Wonderful Visit with the Lows

Chris went to SC for an annual golf trip with some Verizon guys and this year I went along for the ride and continued down to Shelley's new house near Hilton Head. It worked out perfectly! Lourdes (3 1/2) and Maddie (2 1/2) were fast friends as soon as we arrived. And I got to meet Baby Landon (4 months) for the first time. He is such a sweetie and so adorable. Lourdes (Lulu) was so generous with all her toys and she and Maddie played very well together. I've actually never seen Maddie interact so much and converse so much with another kid as she did with Lulu. And it was so great to spend some quality time with Shelley. She is an amazing mommy and a wondeful friend!
The first day we enjoyed the pretty weather and walked all around Shelley's beautiful neighborhood. They have too many amenities to list! It's like living at a resort!

"Us? Tired? No, we don't need a nap. We'll just rest here!"

Landon was the trooper of the weekend. Even with a cold, he came everywhere with us and was such a good boy!

On Saturday, Valentine's Day, we took the girls to an indoor playground with moonbounces, a castle with slides, and tons of other toys/activities to keep them busy. Other than Maddie unknowingly taking a big bite out of Lourdes's perfectly decorated Valentine's cupcake, everyone had a happy fun-filled Valentine's Day.

On Sunday we drove into Hilton Head and went to Harbour Town. There was a neat playground and we had lunch at the Salty Dog Cafe. Lunch was hilarious. Lourdes fell out of her chair; we waited forever for our food with hungry little girls; Lourdes had a horrible PB&J with the jelly squirting out the sides so it got all over her shirt; Maddie kept taking her shoes off and came close to spilling her milk; Landon got fussy and Shelley had to leave with him; then just when it seemed like it couldn't get any worse...Landon spit up all over Shelley and onto the table! We laughed so hard and when Lourdes wondered why we were laughing so hard, Shelley told her, "because sometimes when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade." Maddie and Lourdes happened to have coordinating outfits (unplanned) so they wore them and looked so cute together!

After Hilton Head, we went to the horse stables in Shelley's neighborhood to feed the horses some carrots. What a great place to grow up!

These two are just two sweetpeas in a pod and we can't to see them again in May! I wish we didn't live so far away!

"If only you could drive this thing all the way up to Virginia. That would be great Lulu."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Precious, precious, precious~ I loved seeing Shelley and her kids and Maddie is just adorable, as always. What a fun post, and what a fun trip! We definitely miss you but things are going really well. B should be getting a stander soon~ I will email you an update soon. Love, Kelly