Saturday, June 26, 2010

Weeks 1 and 2

I had hoped to have a new blog up and running by now, but it hasn't happened.  So for now, Emersyn Kate will have to share the blog with Madeline Eve.  This is actually pretty accurate, because despite the typical demands of a newborn (frequent feedings and diaper changes), Madeline's presence is typically more obvious than Emersyn's.  She has been a wonderful baby so far and not too demanding.  Maddie on the other hand still likes to be entertained with never-ending games of pretend play, dress up, etc.  Luckily, she's had lots of fun things to do, thanks to friends and family for keeping her busy!  Maddie loves her baby sister and has said several times spontaneously, "Mommy, I'm really really really glad we have a baby!"  So sweet!  Here are some pictures we've taken since we brought little Emmie home! 

Maddie of course had to accesorize Emmie with a headband!


Nana Flo said...

Oh, my gosh, Kelly, my heart is overflowing with love for your little family. These are fabulous pictures. You are amazing. Love you all, Mom.

Shelley said...

LOVE the beautiful pictures! Now you get to see the magic of little girls times 2! Maddie and Emmie look so sweet together. Already, you get to experience the joy of sisters. Can't wait to see you all in 2 weeks!!!

Darcie said...

Great pictures, so sad I missed you in Sterling! Can't wait to meet Emmie!!!

The Speck family said...

What two beauties you have! I love all these pics~ precious.