Sunday, September 12, 2010


We enrolled Maddie in soccer for the Fall and she had her first practice/"game".  It is called Mini Soccer and she's on a U5 team, meaning under 5.  It was very cute and funny to see the kids run around with no clue, run toward the wrong goal, kick the ball sideways, or even refuse to play (not Maddie, another little girl).  The funniest was a little boy who scored a goal and then pointed at another boy and yelled, "in your face!"  His parents were mortified!  Hopefully by the end of the season they'll at least be able to move the ball in the right direction.  She looked pretty cute though in her soccer gear and she had fun.  We'll see if she takes after her Daddy and Aunt Samie and keeps it up, or takes after me and quits after getting hit in the head with the ball and decides gymanstics sounds better.  Time will tell! 

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