Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Odds and Ends

This post has no theme, just some funny pics and a video from the past week.

Maddie and I are going to FL for Sarah's baby shower in a few days, so I had put some outfits of hers in her closet in preparation for packing. I told her what they were for and then during "quiet time" (translation: playing in her room instead of napping...but staying in her room at least) she put ALL of her books from upstairs in the closet. When I went in to check on what she was doing she said, "I'm packing all my books to take to Florida."

One morning this past weekend it was so beautiful. So I was sitting on the porch reading the paper while we ate breakfast. Maddie said, "Mommy, can you please give me my newspaper?" So I handed her the comics and she read her paper at her table. It was so peaceful and quiet :)

Here is the little dare devil jumping off the landing of our stairs to Chris. I make sure to emphasize that she only does this for Daddy, not Mommy or Nana, and NOT by herself. She loves it.

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